Reclamation and Dredging Engineering
As time goes by land shortages will only continue to increase around the world, as does the global demand for more development land. In order to meet the global demand of shortage of land, one of the solutions is to create a man-made land in the sea through reclamation.
To engineer the construction for reclamation works, EDP has a team of specialist engineers in reclamation and dredging. Our experienced engineers have been involved in several major reclamation and dredging projects largely to reclaim marginal lands for economic renewal. Reclamation is carried out only after careful consideration of environmental and ecological impacts. Reclaimed land are often on poor subsoil condition and our geotechnical engineers have vast experience in ground improvement to convert marginal land for economic benefits. Our reclamation and dredging works team provides specialized service for:
- Filling using hydraulic sandfill
- Pre-loading (surcharging)
- Prefabricated vertical drain and surcharging
- Dynamic compaction
- Interpretation of instrumentation monitoring
- Interpretation of hydraulic data
- Shore protection system
Dredging Work:
- Sheet pile wall
- Quay wall
- Deepening and widening of approach channels for ports
- Dredging for new channels
- Deepening of existing harbour basin
- Toll water way to ports